NoVa Integrative PT understands that it can be difficult at times to leave your home for physical therapy - new babies, health concerns, work, etc. We don’t want this to stop you from getting the care you need, so we are happy to offer a telehealth option for you! Initial appointments are 1 hour and follow-ups can be 30 minutes or 1 hour depending on what you need. We can’t do manual therapy, obviously, but there is a lot we can do. We can discuss healthy bowel and bladder habits, diet and nutrition, healthy habits, provide and instruct on therapeutic exercises, and so much more! These telehealth sessions can be extremely beneficial for you without leaving the comfort of your home!
NoVa Integrative PT also offers medical therapeutic yoga in this way. Yoga for pelvic pain, yoga for pelvic floor strengthening, or simply yoga for your overall health. Practice yoga in your own home led by a pelvic floor physical therapist and professional yoga therapist. 30 minute or 60 minute sessions offered!
“Just had my first telehealth appt with her [NoVA Integrative PT] and she’s AMAZING! Gave me awesome modifications for yoga and more exercises to do on my own! Highly recommend.” - TT